Experience Submission Form

Greetings!  Thank you so much for filling out this form!  We will use the information provided to add your business to the “Experience” section on our website, ExperienceSouthHaven.com.  Please give us any information that you would like us to share.  We will do our best to incorporate it. 

Visitors to our site have the option to sort the experiences by various filters. Please check any filters that may apply to your business.

We are also on Social Media. We make efforts to follow local businesses and then like, comment, and/or share any posts that may be of interest to our followers. Are you on any of the following Social Media channels?

Please supply us with 1 to 10 images of your business. If needed, you may also email images to ExperienceSouthHaven@gmail.com.


File name:

File size:

Are you a local business owner who would like to have your business featured for free on our website?  We’d love to have you!  Please fill out our form.   Submit an Experience